Kirby the Damned
Intermission 2 Cover

intermission 2: the confrontaition...

*walter: i woke up... i opened my eyes and i was in a completely dark room. all i could see was myself and a chair i was strapped to...*

*and then suddenly i heard footsteps...*

????: look whp's finally awakae!!!!!

walter: who are you?!?//!!

????; who am i? i think you know the answer to that...

*walter: it was a familiar voice... no... it cant be!!!*

walter: k... k....

????: thats right... im...

walter: k-kirby!?!/1/!/!?!

kirby: hrehrehreherhe....

walter: no... why!!! why kirby!!!

kirby: why..? did you see that mans shirt!!! it makes me SICK!!

walter: no... you dont mean... toletole?!

kirby: dont even say its name...

walter: b-but kirby!!! its just a catt!!!

kirby; shut up!!! you wouldnt get're just a disgusting toletole SYMPATHIZER

walter: b-but... but...

kirby: its not just a cat... its scumINCARNATE!!! the very embodiment of all that is hoorrriidd.... it is my duty to rid the world of toletole... even if it means killing an old friend...

walter: no... you dont mean...

kirby: thats right!!! im going to kill YOU!!!! unless you come to your senses and realize toletole for the ROT it is, you're going to die just like wa!!!

walter: no... y-you killed wa!?!

kirby: oh come on... you didnt recognize ihim!!?! what a good friend yo,u arree.....

walter: no... no!!! not wa!!! noooooooo!!!!! how could you?!? we were coworkers... no... we were more than that!! we were friends!!! pals even!!!

kirby: we WERE... not anymore!!!

walter: you... youve changed!!!!

kirby: changed,? i havent changed a bit!!!

walter: no... i dont blelieve it!!!

kirby: ever since i left... ever since i realized you were all toletole sympathizers... i wcould never forgive you!!!!

walter: trurn yourself in kirby!!!

kirby: never!!11 you could never understand my pain

wlater: kirby....

kirby: i've herd enough!!!!!

*walter: i felt a big pain in my head and i got knocked out...*

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Written by Ally