Osaker2 and Umwat2

Osaker2 and Umwat2 The Fanfiction

Info - Discord Server

Osaker2 and Umwat2 - Official Fanfiction

Part 1 - The Meeting

Part 2 - The Small Talk

Intermission 1 - The Disappearance...

Part 3 - The Dream

Part 4 - The Note

Intermission 2 - The Confrontation...

Part 5 - The Day School Became Interesting

Part 6 - Date Preparation

Intermission 3 - The Truth...

Part 7 - The Date

Part 8 - The Party

Final Intermission - The Escape!!!

Part 9 - The Party (Continued)

Part 10 - The Second Date

Intermission 1, Revival - The Cult

Part 11 - Osakerlandia: The Most Beautiful Place Ever

Coming Soon...

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